555 Difficult Bible Questions Answered

452. How Can the Unbelieving Husband Be Sanctified by the Believing Wife?

This probably was never designed for general application. It was meant to meet very special conditions. Paul, in I Cor. 7:14, was writing to Christians newly won from a corrupt and debasing form of heathenism. The converts were disposed to separate from their pagan partners and they wrote for Paul's approval. He told them not to do so. If the pagan husband or wife chose to leave, there was to be no restraint. The Christian must not be the one to seek separation. Rather he should remain in conjugal relations in the hope of saving his pagan wife (see verse 16). His example and tender affection and Christian kindness might win her to Christianity—might be the means of sanctifying her. So the believing wife might influence the pagan husband. Besides, there was the consideration of the children, who, if the believer remained, would be brought up under holy influences.